
The Physical Demands for Adhesive Labels

In transport and logistics applications, the demands on the physical qualities of a label are stringent: these are functional labels that must perform in a variety of environments to meet users’ needs. After all, the actual substrate to which they will be applied may vary from wood to rough card, plastic (films or containers), glass, and even such specific items as tires. Self adhesive labels offer a choice of adhesives delivering reliable adhesion to a variety of different substrates, or – for critical applications -- substrate-specific adhesives.
But that is only part of the story. The label’s facestock – its printable surface – must be able to conform to the pack to which it is applied. On flat surfaces, this is no challenge – but the situation is very different when it comes to curved packaging or “difficult” surfaces such as apolar plastics which repel standard adhesives. Storage conditions – wet and damp, in particular – will also affect facestock choice.
Additionally, although visual aesthetics are not normally associated with transport and logistics labeling, clear readability is essential (either by the naked eye or with scanners). The imaging methods used for such labels also, therefore, make demands on the choice of label facestock. With self adhesive labels, the ability to choose a preferred or special-purpose facestock and combine it with a preferred adhesive, and a release liner ideally suited to the label application method employed is a considerable benefit.


Edit by Vikas

Print Series Team

24 April, 2012