
Troubleshoots for Plate Making

Troubleshoots for Plate Making

Plate making is an important step during printing process. There are many factors will decide the printing quality among the process of plate making with the phenomenon like blank printing plate, missing latice point, unclear printing picture.

1. Jam problem in blank area printing plate

Due to the over long time plate exposure will affect the plate quality, hence control the right plate exposure time is crucial. For the small letters and lines artwork plate making, the main exposure time better not too long. Also the plate and film should enough touched in guarantee its normal work inside vaccuum system without air inside.

2. Small latice point, charactor and etc easy washing away problem.

Back side exposure time is not enough; main exposure time is not enough; plate washing time is too longer and brush pressure is over high. Above all the factors leading to the artwork easy washing aways.

3. Latice point miss during printing process.

Main plate exposure time is not longer enough. Original design is over the flexo plate capacity range, via changing the original artwork for matching with flexo plate working parameter.

4. Washing depth different for a same plate. Exposure machine is too hot, check its ventilation device or cooling system. Exposure lamp working not equality without starting at the same time, hence need to change the lamps in certain time. The brush is is unequlaity and unstable working pressure will also brings such problem.

5.Unclear picture. Check the film. Or mistake the offset plate onto flexo plate.


Edit by Vikas

Print Series Team

27 March, 2012