
Printing Industries of America asks Printers to help educate EPA and avoid overregulation!

• The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has asked Printing Industries of America to provide hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emission information from the printing industry to assist with revising their national annual HAP emission factor.
     • Providing this information to the EPA will help our industry avoid additional regulation. The HAP emission factor is used to estimate the release of specific chemicals and chemical categories classified as toxic air pollutants and to determine the need for further regulation of the printing industry.
     • In order to respond to the EPA’s request, the Environmental, Health, and Safety Department is conducting a survey asking printing companies to share their VOC and HAP emission information by completing this spreadsheet and submitting it by June 30, 2012.
     • Information provided by printers will be kept confidential and not shared directly with the EPA; rather it will be aggregated into an industry average.

From Intermet

Print Series Team