
The Typical Inking System

The inking system, or inker, of most large sheetfed presses at least ten rollers and consists of the following parts:

Ink fountain- a pan that contains the ink supply.
Ductor or ductor roller- a transfer roller that alternately contacts the ink fountain roller and the first roller of the inking system, often an oscillator.

Oscillators or vibrators- gear or chain driven rollers that not only rotate but oscillate form side to side, distributing and smoothing out the ink film and smoothing out ink film and erasing image patterns from the form roller.

Intermediate roller- friction or gravity driven rollers between the ductor and form roller that transfer and condition the ink, often called distributors if they contact two rollers and riders if they contact a single roller, such as an oscillator if they contact a single roller, such as an oscillator.

Form rollers- a series of three to four rollers, usually of differing diameters, that contact the printing plate and transfer ink to it.



Edit By Vikas

Print Series Team

April 12, 2012