
Flexo Prepress Technology

Flexo Prepress technology decides the image quality of a converter. Herewith some guides for how others kept pace with changes in flexo presses. 
Help customer create images in a streamlined process with thousands repeat is the goal for inventors of flexo prepress market. While this is a tough job which requires a good well knowledge of entire print process from beginning to the end, even include its challenges and science behind the color. With time goes by, traditional plate systems begins to be instead by digital systems. This leading to many converters to streamline their processes, improve image quality and help them implement sustainable practices with reducing impact toward environment. 
Digital system is a big investment for most small companies, perhaps prohibitively. But with the economic development, this will change gradually, and converters' bottom lines have bounced back from rock bottom. Investing on digital prepress is attainable and worthwhile. 
As converters and consumers concern about the environment, manufactures of prepress technology also had to respond to overall changes in digital press technology. Another aspect of prepress technology that has changed in recent years is plate thinness. For years, narrow web market was limited to using an 0.067 plate, over past few years, thinner plates have become available in 0.045 and 0.030 thickness. This is more capable of carrying more details than thicker plates, offering better printing quality because it is easier to control the plate depth. 
Many flexo printing experts believe that the trends toward digital will continue much to the benefit of converters' customers and end users. For narrow web, where quality is already at high level compared to other flexo markets, future will lie in refining technology and pushing the envelope even further. Prepress technology will be in the coulds in future.
Edit by Vikas

Print Series Team

9 March, 2012